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Silent night...after night, after night

Day, let's say 8 of laryngitis 2012: Not sure why I get laryngitis nearly once a year, but I am sure of the near torture it provides. 1-2 days of silence is difficult, but bearable. 5+ days becomes, in short, depressing.
There is no real way to "cure" laryngitis. Things I have tried:
1) ibuprofen/acetaminophen to reduce swelling of the vocal chords/larynx
2) constant drinking water (followed by trips to the bathroom every 30 minutes or so...annoying, lol)
3) hot tea with lemon and honey. and hot tea with simply honey
4) vocal rest (i.e. NO talking or vocalising of any kind)
5) humidifier
6) Gargling with hydrogen peroxide and water solution (to decrease any infection)
7) saline nose spray, to combat post nasal drip

That may or may not be everything I've tried. I truly believe I deal with a pretty constant post nasal drip throughout the year. Most likely, this is from allergies undiagnosed. My aim last december (after my last bout with laryngitis), was to be taking my allergy supplement regularly and using my nasal spray EVERY DAY to avoid this happening again. I've decided, I may need to up the ante and actually stick with it. Usually I forget to take these precautions because I feel fine. Then it hits me all of a sudden and by then, it's too late for prevention. PREVENTION does seem to be the only way to keep laryngitis from happening again.
I do probably need to see an ENT about the issue, but that will require some research into finding a good one and some $$$. Not sure if insurance will cover a trip to a specialist. Need to find that out too. But even without the expert diagnosis, I always believe there are things we can do for our health just by using our BRAINS.
Future precautions to be taken warding off any illness (but mostly the dreaded laryngitis):
1) Nutrilite double x TWICE a day as reccommended (I generally only remember to take it once a day)
2) Nutrilite Clear Guard allergy supplement regularly October - December and March - May.
3) Nutrilite Echinacea during aforementioned months
4) Nutrilite Vitamin C+ regularly
5) wash hands more frequently
6) Get outside for at least 15 minutes every single day
7) continue eating well and excercising daily
8) eat & drink immunity boosting foods and beverages
9) get adequate rest
10) STRESS LESS or not at all :-)

I'm not sure what more I can do besides all that. It's really a good list for anyone who wants to stay healthy 365 days a year. I do live in the allergy capitol of the world (the bluegrass), but I believe with the proper tools, I can do it.
1st Resolution for 2013 NO SICKNESS OR LARYNGITIS. Done deal :-)


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