So, a little bit about this baby business of mine. A good, cheap form of birth control? Ha! Sometimes, yes. I have always loved children. I grew up the oldest of four, with my youngest siblings as young as ten and thirteen years younger. So I was quite the little mom.
I graduated from college WITH a music degree and WITHOUT any real ability to play any instrument, other than the one God gave me from birth...i.e. my voice. Not a lot to recommend me for a job in that field (note: a later post about whether or not college is a great idea for everyone).
I had oodles of experience in childcare! I easily got a job at Walnut Hill Day school, an adorable, peaceful looking place. And funnily enough, the director was really impressed by my music degree. Not that I made any real use of it there, but it was enough to set me apart and so I suppose it was useful.
I worked there for a year and a half and eventually got a Pre-K music teaching job at another local daycare! So, this music degree thing seemed to be working out after all. I did that for just about three years, but was completely exhausted physically and emotionally. For any one who has worked at a daycare center, I'm sure you will understand. If the kids don't wear you out with behavioral issus, bedwetting, squabbling, constant questions, etc, then your co-workers will. The drama can be insane! Not to mention the sometimes conflict of interests in how to discipline a child, teaching styles etc. Not the greatest situation and not much support. So, all that to say that I decided to break off and do my own thing. I had plenty of expereince and qualifications. It would be a no brainer!
That brings me to today. Since January of this year I have had Tabitha, Joshua and Tate. From about 2-3 months old on, we have spent each week day together, growing, playing and learning. Here is an overview of what we've done so far this year:
In January we did our first craft! Baby foot prints are precious. This was a time when they were still stationary enough, that I could get a good foot print with minimal effort or mess (that time has since passed!).
In February we made Valentines for moms and dads!
April! Spring is in the air...
Happy Easter!
May, finding our toes & cutting teeth begins
Mother's Day hand towels...a semi success
The baby gate goes up! Tabitha is crawling :-)
June, first day in our baby pool
At the big pool!
Discovery of the "tree fort" out back
Visiting the sand volleyball court. Sensory time!
Welcoming summer officially
Finger puppet fun
July. Baby safe finger painting fun
Cornmeal Sensory Play
Rice sensory play
Cornstarch sidewalk paint
August, Tabitha is standing and trying to walk (like a boss), Joshua is scooting around on his belly (like a boss) and the Tater is scootchin on his booty (like a boss). They are a goofy bunch.
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