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Showing posts from June, 2014

Having "Lunch" with a Baby in tow

Am I the only one (please, lie if I am the only one) who feels like my head is spinning when I go anywhere with my child? My attention is pretty constantly divided. She's only 6 months old and not yet mobile, so she does still require quite a bit of my attention. But see if this scenario sounds familiar to you: A friend says, hey let's have lunch! The kids can play (which at 6 months old or younger is a stretch. I'm lucky if she plays on her own for any amount of time.) You think, yes! Totally. That would be fun. We can get out of the house, be entertained. If we leave right after nap time we will have TONS of time until we have to be back for the next nap.  Like...2 hrs or something! Loads of time. So after nap, you're getting the last few things ready, pack up the car and on your way you go. If you're lucky, this actually does happen on time. You get there and it's all, how are you, look at the kids playing, chit chat, catch up. And half an hour just we...

Baby led weaning

Motherhood is something I thought I knew all about. I thought I knew exactly how I wanted to do things. And then I became one. And simultaneously became a crunchy, hippie momma. Lol! Ok, maybe not in everything, but in a lot of things. My husband and I are all about what is healthy and natural. We also followed the paleo diet strictly for three months when trying to get fit and LOVED it. We know it is the healthiest way for us to eat. It takes a little more planning and thought, so we are not always 100% paleo. But we had long ago decided that we wanted to start our little one out on a paleo diet. That didn't change. What is baby led weaning? Baby led weaning is a form of introducing solids, that I suppose was made popular in Europe. But baby led weaning in the US should be termed "baby led solids". Weaning in europe simply means, introducing solids. In the US it means ceasing breastfeeding. That's really not it at all. It involves "skipping the mush" ...